Including some bits of Cannondale "flare", lanyard and bottle opener.
Prolong patch kits for the Lefty Multitool.
A Headshok Bullet for the rebuild and bearing reset tool.
4 packs of seals.
A new rebound adjuster dial and some spare cable guides.
A new Cannondale "C" logo for the headtube, which will probably need a little work to suit the KillerV headtube.
The Lefty Castle tool and shaft clamp.
And the negative spring kit, since I want to upgrade the Lefty with a harder spring.
Now all that's left is to perform the service which I'll start at the weekend. Should be interesting to document the procedure based on all the information I've gathered over the past few weeks. The only question mark I had was regarding the bullet, and thankfully as luck would have it a diagram was included with the tool.

Where is a good source to order Cannondale parts??
I'm based in Sweden, but I was able to find a good online shop in Germany called Dr. Cannondale. The website is only in german, but they do ship internationally.
If you're in the US, then it's easier to get them from a cannondale LBS.
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